
Think you’ve heard it before? Chances are you definitely have.

A lot of times the pop music industry resembles a real factory with highly questionable labor rules. Overworked underage stars, greedy producers, never-ending supply of future hits ready for export and mass consumption. No wonder sometimes the factory workers (ie: producers, writers and singers themselves) come up with less-than-unique goods. And on some occasions, plagiarism becomes transparent when it’s already too late: the product has been shipped and no returns are possible. Here are 10 songs that totally ripped off other songs.


Kyrah – "Uh Oh"

Sounds Like: Kesha – "Tik Tok"



Think Kesha was abusing the LOL-party-girl image hard in her pre-lawsuit heyday? Wait ‘til you see her British knock-off named Kyrah, who took drinking until you collapse naked to a whole new level. Just like “Tik Tok,” “Uh Oh” opened with the graphic description of the morning after. Unfortunately, production-wise Kyrah’s efforts took a few steps back and sounded like something even Kesha herself would deem too kitschy. Our favorite line though? “Dance, sex, bed, floor, back to where I was before.” We’re not entirely sure where exactly Kyrah is back to: her “fame” lasted less than our recent hangover. Uh oh indeed.

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